Backend - Development
Architecture Overview
The Haddock backend is built using NestJS, following a modular architecture with clear separation of concerns.
Core Architecture Principles
Module Structure
Each major feature is encapsulated in its own module, containing:
- Controllers - Handle HTTP requests
- Services - Implement business logic
- Repositories - Handle data access
- DTOs - Define data transfer objects
- Types/Interfaces - Define type contracts
Database Layer
- Uses Prisma as ORM
- PostgreSQL for persistent storage
- Redis for caching and job queues
Authentication & Authorization
- JWT-based authentication
- Role-based access control
- Multiple auth strategies (Local, GitHub OAuth)
- Secure password handling with bcrypt
Queue Processing
- Uses Bull for background job processing
- Handles long-running tasks like:
- VM provisioning
- Repository cloning
- Domain verification
- SSL certificate management
Key Components
Domain Management
├── dns/ # DNS verification and management
├── dto/ # Data transfer objects
└── services/ # Domain business logic
Virtual Machine Management
├── providers/ # Different VM providers
├── templates/ # VM configuration templates
└── services/ # VM lifecycle management
Project Management
├── dto/ # Project DTOs
├── validator/ # Input validation
└── services/ # Project business logic
Data Flow
Request Handling
- HTTP request hits controller
- Authentication/authorization check
- Input validation
Business Logic
- Service layer processes request
- Calls necessary repositories
- Triggers background jobs if needed
- Data transformation via DTOs
- Response serialization
- WebSocket notifications if needed
Error Handling
- Global exception filter for consistent error responses
- Custom domain-specific exceptions
- Proper HTTP status code mapping
- Structured error responses
Testing Strategy
- Unit tests for services and repositories
- Integration tests for API endpoints
- E2E tests for critical workflows
- Mocked external dependencies