Backend - Development

API Documentation

Authentication Endpoints

Standard Authentication

  • POST /auth/signin
      email: string    // Required
      password: string // Required
    Returns: { accessToken: string }

GitHub Authentication

  • POST /auth/github
      code: string // GitHub OAuth code
    Returns: { accessToken: string }

Standard Registration

  • POST /auth/signup
      name: string     // Required
      email: string    // Required
      password: string // Required
    Returns: { accessToken: string }

Authorization Management

Create Authorization

  • POST /authorization
      type: "oauth" | "personal_access_token" | "deploy_key"
      name: string
      data: {
        // For OAuth:
        code: string
        // For Personal Access Token:
        token: string
        // For Deploy Key:
        key: string

List Authorizations

  • GET /authorization Returns: Array of authorization objects
      id: string
      name: string
      type: string

Delete Authorization

  • DELETE /authorization/:id

Project Management

Create Project

  • POST /project
      name: string
      description?: string
      path?: string
      sourceId: string
      vmId: string

Network Connections

  • POST /networks
      domain: string
      port: number
      projectId: string

Domain Management

Create Domain

  • POST /domains
      domain: string
      challenge: string
      main: boolean
      linked: boolean


GitHub Setup

  • POST /configuration/github
      client_id: string
      client_secret: string
    Note: Requires valid GitHub OAuth Application credentials

WebSocket Events

Project Updates

Event: project.update

  projectId: string
  type: "UPDATE" | "DELETE" | "CREATE"
  data: any

Connection Management

Event: connect Requires authentication token in connection parameters

Error Responses

All error responses follow the format:

  statusCode: number
  message: string
  error?: string

Common status codes:

  • 400: Bad Request - Invalid input
  • 401: Unauthorized - Missing or invalid authentication
  • 403: Forbidden - Insufficient permissions
  • 404: Not Found - Resource doesn't exist
  • 500: Internal Server Error


All endpoints except those marked with @Public() require authentication via JWT Bearer token:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Some endpoints may also require specific authorization types (OAuth, PAT, or Deploy Key) depending on the operation.
